Canada - Full Moon 36 - 09/25/99
Ian Blurton
Adventures in the Kingdom of Blurtonia
Web of Sound
When Change of Heart broke up after more than a decade of making great music,
frontman Ian Blurton turned his attention to the Canadian music scene that he
so greatly influenced and help build. After spending the last year playing with
Bionic, doing sound for Hayden, producing Tricky Woo, and working with
Limblifter, Ian Blurton finally gets his own chance to shine once again. This
past May he re-embraced his indie heritage by releasing Adventures in the
Kingdom of Blurtonia.
To put it quite simply, this album is fucking amazing. So much so that after
visiting the Kingdom of Blurtonia, you're not going to want to leave. From the
opening notes of the spectacular lead off track, Never Less Than Perfect, whose title could be used to adequately sum up this album, to the closing
track, Capital Mack this album manages to come full circle. It starts
with a little rock and ends with some rock and along the way there is a little
punk, a bit of pop, some samples, horns, and the occasional country-ish tune
thrown in for good measure. All twelve songs on the album are stellar, but the
opening tune, along with the slow The Privelege is Real, the rocking
In Yer Own Bed, and the spacey Body vs. Brain rise above the
This is indie rock at its best. Without a doubt Adventures in the
Kingdom of Blurtonia is one of the best albums released in Canada this year.
This album showcases way too much talent to go unheard so do yourself a huge favor and hunt it down.
Forget Elvis, Ian Blurton is the king of Rock.
Blurton is currently showcasing his new material all over the country under
the moniker Blurtonia along with ex-members of Dinner is Ruined, 13 Engines,
and Taste of Joy. Check out their awesome, energetic live show if you get the
chance to. You won't be disappointed.
Copyright © 1999 Shawn Despres 