Canada - Full Moon 37 - 10/24/99
Sara Somebody
Sara Somebody
When looking at Sara Somebody's debut EP, one must examine the vocals
and music separately. The Hamilton band's lead singer has a beautiful,
angelic voice. The rest of the band plays good melodic rock. So in theory
both parts of the band's music should work well together. Unfortunately
that is not the case.
It is evident from the beginning of the album's first track Smother
that lead singer Jackie's vocals and the band's brand of rock music just
don't gel. The second song, Now I Float Lightly suffers the same fate.
The next track, Trinity sees the band playing a slowed down acoustic
number, the only time that the vocals seem to work with the music. Looking
at the type of music played it is evident that ultimately Jackie's vocals
would be best suited with slower songs similar to this one.
In the end though, the one song that does work can't save the other three
on the record. In the band's defense, the songs presented on this recently
released album were recorded over two years ago. So it would definitely
be interesting to see if they have made any progressions musically or
vocally that have helped to improve their overall sound.
Copyright © 1999 Shawn Despres 