Canada - Full Moon 53 - 02/08/01
Zeus 'n' Apollo
own label
Zeus 'n' Apollo is a Canadian duo (Rick Neufeld and Jon-Erik Kroon) that has released a
couple of CD's that are extremely interesting not only because of their musical structure but
because of their philosophical approach to creativity anc concept. As their title says, Zeus
"talks" while Apollo "composes" and it is in this synergy that the genesis of creation occurs.
The music is cosmic and intorverse, inviting a meditational trip into one's brain while the
words carry the message of desperate hope and a hints for the possible salvation. This is not
a -music album per se but an artistic performance recorded and disseminated for our mental
thought processes. Aural art for the soul from the gods!
Copyright © 2001 Stavros Moschopoulos 