Norway - Full Moon 54 - 03/09/01
2001 A Pop Odyssey, Flight Two
Big Dipper Records
Here's three more goodies from Astroburger's cornucopia - and behold, it's even better than
Flight One!
Side A is occupied by (Sometimes It's Alright To Be) Low, a mid-tempo
garage-pop song with lots of guitars, some even heavy, and organ. It has probably very little
to do with our favourite Minnesota trio. There are enough changes and hooks here to keep
everyone happy. Stars Burning Out is happier, cleaner with less distorted guitars and
harmony vocals not quite fitting the Beach Boys standard, but who cares. The Mess You Left
Behind is the experimental track, a sort of dub version of an earlier song, perhaps. With
effect-drenched vocals at half speed and percussion up front. Sad and fascinating. Hungry for
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