Luna Kafé record review
Norway - Full Moon 58 - 07/05/01
2001 A Pop Odyssey, Flight Six
Big Dipper Records
I wasn't completely satisfied with the Burger's fifth flight.
So let me tell you at once: It's all forgiven! You're in for a treat with Flight Six! We Came For
You starts out very calm and acoustic and Bingo's nasal voice sounds closer to Bob Dylan's
than ever. Now Mr. Zimmerman recently started his European tour in Norway, a coincident or what?
Anyway, the other band members soon join in and the song turns into something mightier. The
variation between the acoustic and electric is great, the chorus is simple singalong that might
be too simple to pass the test of time, but has certainly passed the short run test and fits in
perfectly with the season. At least on the Northern Hemisphere. The song ends in a heavy
crescendo of noisy guitars and swirling synthesisers. In The Congo on the flip side is a
straighter rocker, but the instrumental part with a surf guitar (what it is about Norway and
surf music, see elsewhere in today's menu), more swirling synthesisers and funny jungle noises
is just hilarious. Too much of a good thing can be wonderful, Mae West once said. We want more!
Copyright © 2001 JP 
You may also want to check out our Astroburger articles/reviews: 2001 A Pop Odyssey - Flights 9-12, 2001 A Pop Odyssey, Flight 8, 2001 A Pop Odyssey, Flight Five, 2001 A Pop Odyssey, Flight Four, 2001 A Pop Odyssey, Flight One, 2001 A Pop Odyssey, Flight Seven, 2001 A Pop Odyssey, Flight Three, 2001 A Pop Odyssey, Flight Two, Lightyears Behind, Quite Obscure and Practically Marzipan, They Came From The Sun....
© 2011 Luna Kafé
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