Canada - Full Moon 74 - 10/21/02
Kin Za Za
Number One in Shambala
Sense Records/Coueur de lion
Jozy Fever and Dimitri Soukonnov are Kin Za Za. Their debut album is an arresting affair.
Drawing inspiration from a number of different sources, they supply a mesmeric blend of
electronica and Celtic folk music. Jozy Fever's sweet voice is at the centre of each song,
surrounded by lush soundscapes.
The Sarah McLachlan-like "Endless Freedom" is carried by a mid paced groove and Jozy's
vocalizing. The soft, cinematic "Somewhere" places vivid images in the mind with its evocative
use of strings. "I am a Dance" is rhythmic but still kind of subdued. "Mid Knight" supports
the titles' pun with a suggestive lyric. The folksy mood of the song is very well done.
It's an album that's very easy on the ears, but itâ?Ts also complex and beautiful.
Copyright © 2002 Anna Maria Stjärnell 