Canada - Full Moon 168 - 05/28/10
Jude Davison
Circo de Teatro
Pigeon Moods Productions
This is Jude Davison's 18th album and it's about a traveling Mexican circus. So what's not to like? It's unerringly theatrical and eclectic in style and
Davison really should get some more fans with it.
"Big Top Parade" is kind of like a more refined Tom Waits, down to the subject matter and vocal delivery. "Amphetamine Sam" lives up to its odd title by
being about a man who 'can conjure the Lord/wake the dead from their sleep'. It's set to a jazzy, seductive backdrop that really underlies the danger inherent
in the lyrics. "The Greatest Show on Earth" is a self-explanatory song with a nice deal of oompah-pah added and an expressive vocal. "Veil of Tears" is a bit
of folksy splendor with a sorrowful tune that he uses well. He’s certainly created a widescreen adventure with this album. It's worth checking out.
Copyright © 2010 Anna Maria Stjärnell 